Friends & meditation might not be enough

I just went to lunch with a, well, I would call him "friend".

However, we hardly meet and are certainly not up to date with every day to day updates of each other. But sometimes either every month we are in touch with each other, or other times once in 2 years. Basically how we feel, or maybe how much the other person can help the other one?

Either way

We went to lunch and suddenly he told me that his wife was pregnant, 10weeks in and lost the child the previous day.

FUCK ME! That's a smooth way into "hey, how are you doing".

Well, short story here: they are both super positiv people. The mother is healthy and the baby was unexpected and rather a surprise to begin with. 

Considering the surprise of suddenly being pregnant they faced tough questions and old topics rose up and need to be tackled for good now, as this now means serious business/relationship.

So, once they found out the embryo is dead, they immediately switched into what good things happened since then. They are getting are bigger place, they are getting married, he is bumped it didn't work but happy to feel that he is ready for being a dad, she is kind of happy, because it was not her "decision" to be pregnant and rather felt on her. So, lots of positives and now they are already sure to try again in half a year.

Love it!:)

Anyway, solid side tracking, but the story is still in my head being processed, as he was just sitting in front of me while he just lost his child the day before. Again, WTF!


Point is: we are hardly "real" friends, but feel quite comfortable with each other's company, talking deep and asking tough questions about each others mental/emotional state and life situation/blockers. So we are thinking about making a group to meet every month or so to just ask uncomfortable questions, find out about each other's vision, what's blocking us etc. Because friends, spouses, family, and yourself might be too nice to ask the really tough questions to actually face struggles and change things in your life faster.

Easy decisions, hard life. Hard decisions, easy life.

Make love!

What have you learned today?

At the end of the day, take a moment to not only think about what you are grateful about (bc you obviously do the 5min journal), but also "What did you learn today and what would you do differently?"

With reflection comes learning, comes a better next time.

Dear NoDWAT readers

Dear NoDayWithoutAThought readers! As you might have noticed, I didn't follow my regular schedule in the last week. Truth is, no excuse. But still, some exciting shit happened in the last week:
1) my doctor confirmed that I need knee sugary, if I ever want to get to a state where I am able to do any sports without any limitations and pain
2) I changed jobs and needed to finish up handovers and had a last beer night with the crew
3) Also, the new gig already feels great! Let me put it that way: I still have no to dos bigger than a day, so less headache and I got blackout drunk the 2nd day at work
4) it is confirmed, I have a trial for becoming a HIIT instructor. Because, why the fuck not, just ask, just do it, do what gives you energy and excites you.

With that, back to the normal schedule and hope things are up and to the right on your side too!

Weniger überleben, mehr leben

So, not only did I recently change jobs, I also purposely try to get into commitments that will secure I have other stuff to do outside of work, i.e. becoming a coach, getting more seminars in the sports sector, making traveling plans, scheduling time with people,...

Those commitments are inline with my values and what generally gives me energy/gets me excited and makes me stay positive.

Recently, I didn't do those and was mostly defined by my work. I did work a lot and sort of put my "value as a person" in how good my work is. But there is so much more that "I am" than just work and so much more that I want my life to stand for when people think about me.

Throughout my life the people I met and had the gift of receiving feedback from them or sort of comments about me, always pointed out a) how positive I was, b) great to be around and c) sort of "inspire" them, give them energy, illustrate that there are always more ways and there are hardly any dead ends.

I feel I somehow lost that, as my mind was occupied with other stuff and I was desperately (not exactly but for the lack of a better word rn) reaching for more fun, enjoyment/excitement and new experiences in life. But I actually was not even reaching, they were just missing bc I was so occupied with my the life setup I created or got myself into.

My thoughts are still a bit scattered, but basically it feels like leading up to essentially those learnings/changes:
- don't overvalue work and do not let it define who you are
- purposely create "identity activities" outside of work
- have an interesting life, you should excited about the things you do
- make sure that your work captures those values/is built that way, i.e. you smile, have energy at work, there is a dynamic environment that gives you excitement and you leave work with a smile and positivity and not with anxiety and that you hardly have any energy left

Also, seems like that 2018 is like that for many people. I heard many friends having similar approaches and changes in their life.

Weniger überleben, mehr leben.

Just ask and go for it

Ever wondered IF?

I've been thinking about becoming a sports coach and getting into the health<>nutrition<>sports area more. Besides doing it myself, I started coaching workouts for colleagues during lunch times. But that was always more a fun side thing and never anything serious.

I personally actually did most of my classes at a local boutique gym where they offer HIIT, yoga, barr and spinning classes.

I always thought that it would be pretty cool to also be in instructor there and considering I have the mindset of, well I can do whatever I want and if I don't know how to do it, I will learn it, it didn't seem too far fetched.

On the other side, what experience do I have, no certificate, no clear professional background. Well, who gives a fuck and what's the downside of asking.

So I did.

They told me that there is no specific background needed for HIIT and as it appears that I have some background knowledge (8years of gym, marathons, playing soccer for 12 years and already coaching HIIT classes) you will end up with some. Not only that, by just asking they actually offered me to teach me how to become a spin instructor as well.

And if you don't trust me, trust good old Steve Jobs!

Go for it!