
I feel many has been written about this topic, but it was not until recently that the importance of focus occurred to me - again - finally again.

Why to I quickly want to share my point of view?

Because nothing else matters when you want to move forward and get work done. Yes, you can do a hundred of small things during the day and you would kind of feel productive and that you achieved something today, but you also know that you actually didn't take a step in the right direction.

It just doesn't feel right. 

On the other side, you also apparently have no time to do the important matters, since you have to get rid of the small time intense points.

Who says you do have to do this?

What will happen, if you rather focus on the things that actually will make a difference in your future and don't mind the little issues? Will the big picture not look better when the big topics get tackled and out of the way, instead of the no difference makers?

Eisenhower has a nice matrix for this and the main realization for me at this point was not to focus on quadrant 3 (not important but urgent), as I feel I spent too much time recently in there which won't be - again - a real difference maker.

How to achieve focus?

- Pick the most urgent topic you have on your plate on focus only on this. Most likely, it is the point you've been procrastinating for a while. Get it done.

- Plan time for other important difference maker activities in the near future

- If another task is also necessary/worth doing => delegate it.

- If not, no one should do it (or not for now).

Outcome for me: first, get enough sleep again to have a clear mind. Then put together a list of what is there to do, what should be done, where I can be the most help and only focus on them, saying no to the others.

Just started doing this again yesterday. What you will allow, will continue. If you, and only you, focus on the unimportant stuff, guess what, you will do then. Stop now, go do the important things.