Daily article overload - a life story and tools to rewrite it

Omg, actually, I wanted to start today with the phrase 'I don't know when it started'. Then I pondered for a second and realized, I could actually take a look. So, I did.

May 14, 2013.

That's the day of my oldest article on one of my reading lists.

I started with bookmarks. Then I started making a folder for bookmarks. Then I did different folders depending on the topic, urgency and importance. For example, I had one named 'Weekend', as I thought I can catch up with them, well obviously, on the weekend. Never happened.

I am not saying that I figured it out by now, I can however say that I am feeling better organized and getting to the things I want to read with my current tools. That's why I shortly want to tell you about my three tools I am using for articles and reading material.

Imagine you sitting on your PC, surfing the web, writing emails and having a double digit number of tabs open at the same time. Not only does it slow down the performance of the PC, it also distracts your mind - at least that applies to me. Having everything open at the same time, also gives me the feeling of I need to take care of everything at the same time. Or subconsciously seeing that there is more stuff to come, so you better hurry. With OneTab that is history. Just install the browser plugin, click it, and the tabs magically merge to one tab.
I sure have 90 at the moment in that tab, but those are also topic related. For example was I looking for different growth tactics and didn't have the time to actually read them, but I know where they are.

App and plugin for your browser to save every page to read later. Also available for tweets. I use Pocket more for individual articles and things I don't want to forget and which I can read at another time on the road, when I can just pull out my phone and have 5min to spare. So, instead of sending myself an email to remind myself of an article and then opening it in the browser, still having no time to read it, the article is just in the app, ready for me to read when I can. At the moment, there are 10 in it.

Evernote Clipper
Evernote is my source for so many things. They doing an amazing job and fulfill the promise Evernote for me. I already have a note for potential names for my future children I don't want to forget. It's also the place where I write my diary in - when I manage to do it. Besides my own written notes, it is mostly the place with tons of different notebooks where I save read articles I find useful and never want to forget. Via Evernote Clipper, you can just save every article with the browser plugin right into your desired notebook. That's it. And everyone who uses Evernote knows that their search of documents is outstanding. As soon as you remember a keyword, I guarantee that you'll find the article you are looking for within seconds.

If you have your article/reading game sorted, let me know what you are using. Happy to improve mine, as there is always way to improve. Otherwise, if you feel you're not there yet, take a look at them and see how/if they work for you.