Good artist copy, great artist steal - a view on writing

It's been a week now that I started writing on a daily basis. It has been a growing experience so far. It sure takes energy and time and is not that easy.

I just remembered a conversation I had with a friend who mentioned the unfulfilled dream of being a writer. Not sure what type of writer exactly, but that doesn't matter for now.

She mentioned the concern (probably besides a few more) that she thinks everything has already been written by amazing people. There were smart women and men who already talked about topics long before other smart people came around and spoke about them - again.

Yes. BUT: the core might stay the same, the way and words the message which gets transferred instead changes every time.

Additionally, don't worry about saying something that has been said before. What in this world is actually like brand new and not a combination of what's already there?

Take what other people already put out there and add your own personal thoughts and view angle. By doing this you will help spreading the word of topics you think matter and more people should be aware of, plus your readers perhaps couldn't relate to the person who you think had 'initially' (bc what is) written it in the first place, but can relate to you - so, your message actually finds its way into their head.

Go out. Tell us what you think about. Share. Spread the word.