Your goals don't work, your habits will

There are many people with the best intention to set up goals for themselves. The problem most often is that the goal is not well defined.

'I want to loose weight', 'I want to do more sports', 'I want to earn more money', 'I want to get better at ...'

Those goals are all very admirable, usually won't bring you to where you want to go though.

If they are lucky, they have someone who asks them: 'How much do you want to loose?' or 'What's your goal, how much do you want to earn?'

That already helps quite a lot. What in my perspective helps the most is habits. By creating habits you will set the base for achieving whatever you want. When you manage to create a habit to do sports - let's say - 4x per week and eat healthier, chances are that you will achieve your goal to loose weight easily. If you look around in a room and spot the fit people, it comes from a habit of going to sports x times per week. It's not that they have more time, they follow their sports routine religiously.

When you want to be better in finance, spend 30min per day reading finance articles and I am sure you will gain enough knowledge to take on the next challenge, being investing or trading. Obviously in this case it helps to be specific about the topics you are reading.

Habits is what will bring you to the finish line (I don't think there is one, but that is another story). Clarify what and why you want to achieve, then think of a habit to follow this road and make sure to create this habit.