Weniger überleben, mehr leben

So, not only did I recently change jobs, I also purposely try to get into commitments that will secure I have other stuff to do outside of work, i.e. becoming a coach, getting more seminars in the sports sector, making traveling plans, scheduling time with people,...

Those commitments are inline with my values and what generally gives me energy/gets me excited and makes me stay positive.

Recently, I didn't do those and was mostly defined by my work. I did work a lot and sort of put my "value as a person" in how good my work is. But there is so much more that "I am" than just work and so much more that I want my life to stand for when people think about me.

Throughout my life the people I met and had the gift of receiving feedback from them or sort of comments about me, always pointed out a) how positive I was, b) great to be around and c) sort of "inspire" them, give them energy, illustrate that there are always more ways and there are hardly any dead ends.

I feel I somehow lost that, as my mind was occupied with other stuff and I was desperately (not exactly but for the lack of a better word rn) reaching for more fun, enjoyment/excitement and new experiences in life. But I actually was not even reaching, they were just missing bc I was so occupied with my the life setup I created or got myself into.

My thoughts are still a bit scattered, but basically it feels like leading up to essentially those learnings/changes:
- don't overvalue work and do not let it define who you are
- purposely create "identity activities" outside of work
- have an interesting life, you should excited about the things you do
- make sure that your work captures those values/is built that way, i.e. you smile, have energy at work, there is a dynamic environment that gives you excitement and you leave work with a smile and positivity and not with anxiety and that you hardly have any energy left

Also, seems like that 2018 is like that for many people. I heard many friends having similar approaches and changes in their life.

Weniger überleben, mehr leben.