Mark Manson's "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F***" *hust*, yes we are back again.
Also sparkled from a conversation with a close friend who was speaking about Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.
Every day you decide what you stand for and what you give a damn about. For you personally, for your relationship with friends, family, spouse or the company culture at work, what you allow will continue. With every action you decide what you give a damn about and what your standard is.
If your value and standard is being punctual, you are against being unpunctual.
If you are routing for transparency, you are against not being transparent.
As soon as you are for X, you reject Y. If you don't reject anything, you are basically not standing for anything.
Remember, with every action you set an example for yourself. Your inner self, the hidden machine running you will remember what you allowed and will make a mark. Make sure you are making the right marks.