Writing is for you, no one else

I just opened Posthaven and thought about what I should write. Before that, I was reading about how important writing is especially in a manager role, as it keeps you accountable. You write sth down/create it and make it publicly available. It needs to be concise and clearly understandable, as it will become a reference point.

This is likely also the most frequent reason why people don't blog, next to the actual time it takes + they want to write sth special that didn't exist yet instead of just repeating (what I am technically doing rn). But, to not sidetrack too much, being wrong and making it publicly available can be daunting. After all, it is a representation of yourself and on social media (besides Snapchat or similar) there is a public record of your life where you hence tend to publish the goodies, as this is like you want to be seen.

Same with writing. You might write about sth and 3 years later you come to know that you your previous perspective was wrong/embarrassing/harmful/...

And that is right.

In the end, however, as XXX said (don't remember the name and will likely never look it up again and edit this post): It's not so much about the reading, but the actual writing and making your thoughts concise. It is an exercise for yourself, not some work you do for others to look great!

When I opened Posthaven I wanted to write sth unique, but then opted for this, as I wanted to go through the thought process of this and actually process what I've just read.