Writing as download and freeing up working memory

Elon Musk said he likes to think of the mind as an operating system that can be reprogrammed. (Always good to kick off with a idol caliber phrase)

I've been starting to write again before I go to bed. The thing is, I obviously won't write everything that is in my head. Not that I am super smart and/or have a lot in it that is valuable - maybe it is - who knows.

But, I do know that even just writing this simple quite post will give me some calmness to call it a day.

Not sure what it is exactly. Is it that I put something out to the world and that it fits into myself image of producer > consumer, or doesn't it matter what I write, but just the writing itself, like giving your thoughts words and structuring your own mind helps calm it down, just like reading does.

I don't know.

Another factor however, to come back to the computer reference. Once I so to speak 'download' an idea or bite of my head, my working memory needed decreases, because I don't need to keep track of it any longer. It's downloaded (actually, I will upload it as soon as I click the publish button) and I don't need to keep memory of it, because I stored it somewhere.

As easy as that. Write more down. You can't and shouldn't remember everything. Some stuff you can also just frankly forget.

Here's to a nice good night sleep.