Let's face it, lots of self-improvement articles are out there or a quick 7-steps-to-be-happier.
I guess, well, this is one too. However, it is based on conversations I have with people who tell me one can't always be happy and that the whole happiness glorification is bs.
Well, true and not true. As usual, it's not black and white.
I think always pushing for a happier life makes sense. But happiness is kind of the freedom to chose, when to suffer and when not to.
If you notice there are a lot of things that make you unhappy, you shouldn't dismiss or even suppress them and tell yourself it's not so bad and you are still happy.
If there is an emotion, explore it. There might be or not be a valid emotion for it. But don't pretend it is not there. It's more how you engage with it. Eventually, it is on you to tackle it and create more environments that make you happy.
Or, not small scale speaking, but thinking about the bigger picture. You might not like working on one or multiple Friday nights, but if that brings you to your ultimate goal, you purposely chose to do that because it will make you happy.
So, don't dismiss your emotions and pretend always is great all the time. There is likely things that are not giving you happiness. Sure, in perspective, they might not be that bad after all, but if they are there, well, then they are there.
It's rather about not judging, learning over time and changing, if things need to be changed.