The Final Year

The Final Year is a documentary about the last year of Barack Obama during his Presidency.

The documentary is sort of good, but not so much insights are coming out. However, even though not "concrete" things, there were  sentiments that stuck with me:

- be on the ground (different work industries, crisis, hospitals, kindergartens, ...) as much as possible and get understanding of what *your* people go through

- leadership never stops, people are looking towards you all the time and hear the words you use, the decisions you make, the non-verbal communication of your body/voice/eye movement... => that will influence if they can trust you or if sth is off and make them mistrust you

- surround yourself with driven high energetic people who are smarter than you in each area

- decide to be an ambassador of your ideas/values and don't wait for others to start it (as Ghandi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world.")

- continue to repeat the story you stand of and what you believe in, people need to keep hearing it not only in moments of doubt, change takes time and people can get off-track

- you can be strong and stand your ground without being naive, an a**hole or starting a war

- work hard on yourself, study, explore to better understand yourself and be happy with yourself to be the best version for others = you have your compass straight and don't get influenced by words or actions others choose to use