Today I mark the last day in a 7 day writing streak. Giving myself a little clap on the shoulder.
Nevertheless, it was also the first time I struggled to get my writing done. It's close to bed time and when I don't go to bed at that time, I won't get my 8 hours of sleep. Or rephrase, I would get my 8 hours of sleep, but then my schedule would be restructured and I like how it is.
After waking up, I usually start doing sports within ten minutes. Mostly running or a 30min self chosen fitness practice. After that showering, kind of meditation and then leaving home as fast as possible. If I need to long in the morning and stay at home, I waste too much time surfing the web on my phone. It really is like this. However, as soon as I managed to take a step outside of my apartment the day can get started.
So, instead of switching between sports news, Quora, Facebook, Twitter - you name it, I go to my favorite café and read a book for about 20min before getting to do my first work related tasks while not getting distracted. After that I've already done sports, got some stuff out of the way and structured my thoughts for the upcoming day.
Afterwards the days most often get super busy and I am working on this part of the day to get better in it; while knowing that one can't plan all day in a fast moving startup. Regardless, I know that I perform well in the morning, am useless after lunch, have a good session between 3-6pm and then again closely before bed. Those are my sweat spots I always keep untouched of external factors like meetings etc.
Remember the last time anyone asked you, if you had time and you said no that they followed up asking 'why'? Never happened to me. So, every time a meeting happens to be at my sweat spots, I say I can't. Luckily, I work in an environment everyone is open to each other and you want your coworker to be in their best condition and value how they structure their day. Thus, I can also just say that I would prefer a different time to focus on other things in the afternoon.
Find your sweat spots. Make sure to structure your day around them and put things with less importance and other brain power needed into the rest of the day. For example having meetings or meeting for a post lunch coffee chat. The crucial work happens in your sweat spot.