Emotional/mental household/energy tank

If you have daily emotionally draining conversations, watch frustrating/fear driven news, have people around you who constantly point out how things can go wrong, you might not have such a positive outlook.

You might say that everything has it's right to exist and different opinions challenge your own. That might be right, but you should not lose course of your own compass.

Also, let's say you have stressful days at work on a frequent basis, find your balance, get some energy back, go for a run, read a book, paint, write, do something that gets you back on track.

"You are what you eat." This sentence has a long history (link).
But you are also what you read, what you talk about and mostly, what you think about. If your brain is constantly in fear/worry mode, guess what, you don't have much enjoyment, creativity, curiousity or much positive in your head or coming up with ideas and energy for new stuff.

Recognize that you are not your thoughts, you control your thoughts/operating system. Take care of what you think internally and what external impulses you let happen.