Daily routines are great, making the right steps is better

"What do you mean even with the title?"

Well, I've been feeling a bit stuck on a couple of issues. So, despite stressing about daily routines and making sure I *at least* do them, they are not having too big of an impact if you are not doing the important things.

Made up example: great that you stick to reading 10 pages a day, but if you are still struggling financially and doing 0 steps to changing it - even though it's a goal of yours - the 10 pages won't satisfy you, because sth more underlying is bothering you.

Now, it's up to you what is important and if you have enough money, are fit enough, are around the right people, if reading 10 pages is all you want. All I am saying, don't get distracted by the small things and rather do what's uncomfortable and get that out of the way or at least schedule activities/steps to that state.