Being busy is a copying mechanism and relearning habits

I wrote about it this week, the [[Non Violent Communication]] technique with yourself.

In short, ask yourself
 - what you currently feel
- what thought fuels that thought
- what observation fuels the thought (and i guess, if that is true/fair/helpful)
- what is your need
- your request how that need can get fulfilled or at least respected and a little acknowledged

This sparked a whole lot of changes in my mind and behavior already. Having been through a burnout I also wrote this week then about how you feel like you lost your sensors for your needs. 

Additionally, I've been known to be immensely busy. Well knowing this is weak and a pure excuse to either seem important or not deal with my internal self. 

Taking more breaks, actually thinking and starting to write again brought me back on the path to dig deeper. I like to understand, but also I have not really taken the time to think. 

In simple, a phrase I just read was stock vs flow. 

Also getting more into RoamResearch, I want to use Roam to actually think again. That is what's intriguing. So I also got inspired by looking up - like A LOT - how other people use it. 

And then also about the concept of digital gardens. I've been writing on NoDayWithoughAThought for a while, but then took a break again.

People who inspire me to think again by writing and sharing:
[[Buster Benson]] - - @buster
[[Anne-Laure Le Cunff]] - Ness Labs - @ness_labs
[[Tom Critchlow]] - Digital Garden - @tomcritchlow
[[Derek Sivers]] - - @sivers
[[Ryan Dawidjan]] - High Cadence Thoughts- @ryandawidjan 

While I have not found my proper setup yet, I will not let the tool search stop me, but continue and organically a setup will pop up. 

Couple of habits that help me
 (and I am sure everyone else, bc we basically are the same)
- take breaks, proper breaks, not just stopping what you are doing and then going on Twitter
- do sports and get outside
- sleep
- be conscious what you are doing and why aka go through the NVC exercise 3x a day
- writing is a great way to stop and actually think
- you don't need to read another article. the tactics and strategies are well known, "successful" people just apply them vs needing to read another article that tells them what to do (irony, this is one of those articles, you're welcome) 

Feeling good using my brain and noticing how I am getting a level deeper again. Curious to see what's hidden there.